Telkomsel Enterprise Develops Smart Mining

Admin Ugems
2 Minute Read - Fri Jul 26 01:00:00 GMT 2024

Telkomsel Enterprise supports the sustainable mining sector. One of the efforts made by TelkomGroup is by presenting B2B services in the digital and technology sectors.Telkomsel Enterprise develops Smart mining solutions to realize the 4.0 mining industry revolution in Indonesia. Smart mining is the use of internet technology and digitalization to support work throughout the mining process.Smart mining solutions include 5G connectivity, robotics & automation, big data & analytics, fleet management systems, computer vision, AI & ML, VR & AR, drones, and renewable energy use. In addition, Smart mining also provides IoT sensors to monitor worker safety through wearable devices that can monitor vital signs, worker positions, and their sleep time.Thus, the Smart mining solution offered by Telkomsel has the capability to create a safer, more efficient, environmentally friendly, productive and cost-effective end-to-end mining process."Through the Smart mining solution offered by Telkomsel Enterprise, mining players can also carry out sustainable mining activities by monitoring water and energy consumption digitally. The Smart mining solution itself can save and reduce water consumption," said Telkomsel Enterprise in a written statement, quoted Tuesday (16/7/2024).In fact, Smart mining also provides an alternative to switch to using solar and wind power to support its operational activities to support environmental sustainability.Currently, the Smart mining solution has been successfully applied in one of the largest mining companies in Indonesia, PT Freeport Indonesia. Telkomsel Enterprise implemented 5G Smart mining which has been tested with positive results from various developed countries. After the application of Smart mining, business actors saw that the use of this solution could increase mining production.Not only that, Telkomsel also established a strategic collaboration with PT Putra Perkasa Abadi (PPA), a coal mining contractor in implementing integrated private network connection services with high levels of reliability and security as well as low network latency.Through this, Smart mining solutions that include Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and fuel monitoring with IoT Intelligent Tank Monitoring System (INTANK) technology are able to support the automation process in every mining activity and company operation. Providing real-time data information to monitor fuel usage is one of PT PPA's needs.Meanwhile, the fuel monitoring solution from the Smart mining solution can help the process of reviewing the availability of fuel in storage tanks and fleet fuel tanks used to carry out mining activities, anytime and anywhere. With fuel monitoring, PT PPA can monitor fleet usage to fuel consumption and availability accurately, which can ultimately help the company in managing operational costs to increase efficiency.Telkomsel Enterprise's expansion into the mining sector demonstrates Telkomsel's commitment to providing innovation to make the mining sector safer, more effective, and more productive through integrated digital solutions. Telkomsel is also committed to collaborating with various parties in developing Smart mining solutions.The Smart mining solution offered by Telkomsel is available for mining sector drivers and can be accessed via information, in 2022, the mining industry contributed 12.22% to Indonesia's GDP. This is a sharp increase compared to 2016, which only contributed 716%. However, despite its role as one of the largest contributors to Indonesia's GDP, there are still some concerns in the mining industry. This is mainly related to occupational health and safety (OHS) risks and the negative impacts on the environment.The World Economic Forum also stated that the mining industry employs 1% of the global workforce, but contributes as much as 8% of total fatal accidents. Work accidents can be caused by environmental factors, humans, and equipment.Despite this, various mining companies have expressed their commitment to ensuring the sustainability of all projects and operations carried out so that compliance with Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) values is a top priority in the mining industry.Investors, in particular, are interested in more environmentally friendly water management processes. For example, according to Smart Water Magazine and Eurostat, in practice, the average water use in mining reaches 4,000 liters per ton of ore and still uses fossil fuels massively. 


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